
До відома викладачів та студентів коледжу!

До відома викладачів та студентів коледжу!


Прошу ознайомитись та взяти участь у цьому конкурсі.

Рекомендую створити групи з числа викладачів філологів, викладачів спеціальних дисциплін та студентів.


Conception of competition:

"Strategic development of agrarian sector - vision of the young Ukrainian specialists"

German-Ukrainian agricultural policy dialogue plans to supporta competition at support of Ministry of agrarian politics and food of Ukraine, Methodological Centre "Agroosvita"and Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum.

  1. Terms of participation and requirement to work:

    In a competition can take part a written paper/theses (max. 5 pages incl. charts/tables on an English language, format of А4, type 12, Times New Roman, interval 1) of one author, student, young scientist (master's or PhD`s student) of one of agrarian major subjects - representative of middle and higher educational establishments of Ukraine of agrarian direction. Works are entertained from all educational institutions of Ukraine, from students - citizens of Ukraine. Papersshould be dedicated to the analysis of agrarian politics in Ukraine and to ground possible changes in a legislation and in an administrative structure.

    Short CV(up to one page) of author in English language should be submitted together with a paper.

    Prepared papersshould contain next sections:

  2. Ground of actuality of theme (What goes wrong in the sector, in terms of investments, trade, production and consumption as well as especially in terms of social, environmental and other public needs.)
  3. Analysis of existent situation in the chosen sector in Ukraine, from the point of view of agrarian politics (of Description of current agricultural policy instruments, respectively institutions causing the issue described above.
  4. Presentation of successful European or international experience

    Recommendations for further development/of instruments, respectively institutions in Ukraine.

  5. Evaluation of works:
  6. Jury

    Papers will be estimated of the competent jury consisting of the Ukrainian and international experts in agrarian politics. The special jury (up to 10 specialists) consists of (one representative from each):

    1.Ministry of agrarian politics of Ukraine and conformable scientific institutions

    2. Methodological Centre "Agroosvita"

    3.International experts on proposal

    5. UNAF (representatives of business-associations)

    6. NAAS

  7. System of estimation

    Evaluation is conducted on mark-system (points) on the following criteria.

    № п\п


    Estimation in points


    Exposure and formulation of present agricultural political problem



    Objective analysis of present situation



    Analysis and presentation of European experience most meaningful for Ukraine



    Estimation of expediency of recommendations and conclusions



    Preparation of material in English language



    A maximal estimation of paper is 100 points.


  8. Stages of holding competition:

    The first stage is announcement of competition and development of papers from 20.03.2020 to 20.04.2020.

    Announcing of competition by placing of information on aAPD-web-site, on APD-facebook and also presentation on events of "Агроосвита" and within the framework of exhibitions.

    Papers in an electronic form are sent on the address of info@apd -

    Second stage - from 20.04.there is preselection of papers to 30.04.2020.

    Preselection on accordance to the formal criteria and selection the 10 best papersby APD (authorized persons).

    The third stage is an estimation of works from 04.05.2020.

    Papers are sent to the jury for an estimation on certain criteria. The estimation of papers is conducted anonymously. For this purpose an individual number is appropriated every work. Jury do not get information about the authors of papers and educational institutions.

    The fourths stage is selection the 5 best papers from 05.05. to 10.05.2020

    On results the estimation given to the judge, 5 papers will preselected.

    The fifth stage: presentation of works within the framework of "Gathering of leaders of agrarian education" - 28 of May, in Sumy

    Participants present the papers before a jury (on possibility in composition as it is higher indicated). Presentations are estimated on the ball system from 1 to 100 points. At a desire, jurymen can put question or speak out on separate works. On results presentation, and also taking into account the preliminary estimation of work estimated (70% preliminary estimation of work; 30% estimation of presentation). At the end of working out the totals of competition winners (1-3 place) are determined. Rewarding of winners of competition is conducted within the framework of "Gathering of leaders of agrarian education".

    The winner of competition is invited for participating in the Specialized informative journey of APD.

    Глова В.С., директор коледжу
